Tag Archives: vets Dayton TN

Fun Kitten Facts for New Owners

Are you frequently overcome with warmth at the sight of an incredibly cute kitten snapshot? Cats exhibit undeniable charm throughout their lives, but they reach peak cuteness—along with heaps of fun—during their kittenhood. What exactly makes kittens so enchanting? What is the irresistible allure of these fluffy bundles that captivates us? Dive into this article as a Dayton, TN  veterinarian shares delightful insights into the world of adorable Fluffy.


Meow-sic to Your Ears


It’s common knowledge that cats purr, isn’t it? This behavior likely originated as a means of communication between mother and kitten. While nursing, little Fluffy can’t meow. The purring likely began as a way for both mother and kitten to reassure each other of their safety, comfort, happiness, and love.


Kneading Cuteness


Our charming feline friends display numerous delightful behaviors. One such behavior, known as kneading or “making biscuits,” though occasionally painful, is a sign of affection. This behavior traces back to kittenhood when kneading stimulated milk flow during nursing. Hence, when your adult cat kneads, it signifies a deep bond, recognizing you as a caregiver.


Blue Eyes are a Trait of Newborn Kittens


Every kitten enters the world with blue eyes. Little Fluffy takes around a week to unveil her peepers post-birth. Upon opening, a gradual shift in eye color may start. Around the age of one, your feline friend’s eyes settle into their permanent hue. Yet, pigment transformation might persist for another year. Notably, certain breeds like the Siamese retain their striking blue gaze.


Blindness at Birth


Newborn kittens are vulnerable due to being born blind and deaf. Even after their eyes open, it takes roughly a month for their vision to fully develop.


Claw-ver Consideration


Ever been scratched after a kitten’s zoomies? Whether Fluffy was climbing you like a tree or using you as a springboard, it likely made you wince. Those little claws can certainly pack a punch! Did you know that a kitten’s claws tend to be sharper than those of adult cats, simply because the claws are much smaller? It typically takes about four weeks for your tiny panther to learn how to retract her claws, so thankfully this shouldn’t be something to worry about long-term.


Feline Aging Sometimes Doesn’t Follow the Norm


It’s worth noting that cat breeds age at varying rates. Take the Maine Coon, for instance; it typically takes until around three or four years old to reach full maturity. Furthermore, some cats seem to preserve their youthful exuberance throughout their lives, but that’s a story for another occasion.


Their Charms Have Enchanted Us Across the Ages


Around 10 to 12,000 years ago, humans and cats initiated their companionship, a bond that emerged during the advent of agriculture in the fertile crescent, as indicated by research. Cats had already embedded themselves in our lives by the pinnacle of ancient Egypt’s civilization. Egyptians esteemed cats, regarding them as sacred beings, and revered the cat goddess Bast, often depicted surrounded by playful kittens. Envision our ancestors from that era, utterly captivated by these endearing creatures!


Their Adventures Inspired Numerous Folk Tales


Felines are prominent figures in myths and legends across the globe. Among the notable tales involving kittens is the narrative of the pussy willow. Legend has it that kittens were carried away by a river’s current. Hearing their plaintive cries, a nearby tree lowered its branches to aid the stranded kittens. As a tribute to their bond, the tree now produces buds adorned with soft down, reminiscent of its feline ally’s presence. This enduring story celebrates the connection between nature and our feline companions.


Can Cats Have Different Fathers in One Litter?


According to a Dayton, TN veterinarian, among cats, it’s relatively rare but possible for litters to have different fathers. This results in kittens who are only half-siblings genetically. Such occurrences offer an interesting glimpse into feline reproduction.


They Lack the Ability to Generate Heat


Until they reach approximately five weeks of age, kittens lack the capacity to regulate their body temperature independently. Throughout their initial month, they depend on their mother and littermates for warmth, rendering them highly susceptible to cold temperatures.


Even as they age, many cats retain the instinct to find cozy napping spots. Fluffy, for instance, adores lounging in sun-drenched patches and snuggling into warm laundry baskets. This behavior persists throughout their lives, providing them with comfort and relaxation.


What Makes Them Adorable?


Describing kittens in one word often leads to terms like cute, adorable, or charming. But why do we find them so endearing? Their large eyes relative to their heads may play a role. Interestingly, Fluffy’s eyes won’t grow, unlike the rest of her head. This feature adds to their irresistible appeal and contributes to our affection for them.


Little Fluffy’s playful antics and adorable vocalizations, on the other hand, have a knack for melting hearts.


Clowder Versus Kindle?


Were you aware that a gathering of cats is officially referred to as a clowder? Similarly, a group of kittens has an official designation: a kindle.


A Rare Gem


On occasion, a particular cat captivates our affections and rises to fame. In recent times, numerous celebrity cats, like Grumpy Cat and Colonel Meow, have gained popularity on the internet. One such feline sensation was Lil Bub, dubbed the perpetual kitten. Lil Bub’s uniqueness stemmed from a congenital condition: dwarfism prevented her teeth from developing. Despite growing older, she maintained an enduringly adorable kitten-like appearance.


An Altered Perspective


Cats possess distinctive perspectives on life. Interestingly, Fluffy perceives the world differently from us. Our feline companions boast superior depth perception and enhanced night vision. However, they lack the ability to see the full range of colors.


Literary Legacies


Evidence suggests that cats haven’t changed much over centuries, as medieval manuscripts bear their pawprints. Cats have long been depicted in literature across different eras. From Dinah in Alice in Wonderland to iconic figures like Hello Kitty and Nermal from Garfield, feline characters abound. Their presence in literature attests to the enduring fascination with these enigmatic creatures.


Are They Kittens or Cubs?


When you observe big cats, it’s fascinating to notice the similarities they share with our household feline companions. From their behaviors to their preferences, these majestic creatures often exhibit traits reminiscent of our beloved housecats, such as their peculiar fondness for boxes. However, amidst these similarities, there are also notable distinctions to consider. Unlike their smaller counterparts, the offspring of larger cats are typically referred to as cubs, reflecting the unique aspects of their lives and habitats.


What Is the Origin of the Word “Kitten”?


Curious why young cats are called kittens? The term stems from Middle English, “kitoun,” originating from French “chitoun” or “cheton,” signifying a young cat.


Are They Sensitive to Earthquakes? Perhaps.


Researchers suspect that cats possess sensitivity to the Earth’s magnetic fields and can detect tremors, although further research is necessary. It makes sense, considering the capability of kitty paw pads and whiskers to discern subtle changes, like wind direction, and detect impacts, such as footprints.


They Possess a Hint of Magic


Cat purrs have a soothing effect on us, did you know? They rumble at frequencies between 25 and 140 Hertz. These frequencies are known to promote tissue healing and are utilized in physical therapy as well. So, basically, cats are magic little healers.


Tiny Predators Abound


Naturally, cats are hunters. Despite preferring the comforts of domesticity, Fluffy retains her innate instincts. Kittens, especially, are keen on exploring their claws and teeth, though it can pose risks. Therefore, it’s crucial to maintain pet-proofing measures to ensure their safety. Cats’ inherent hunting nature persists even in the lap of luxury, reminding us of their wild ancestry.


Need guidance on kitten care? Reach out to us, South Rhea Animal Hospital in Dayton, TN, for assistance. We’re here to lend a helping hand!

Spring Safety Hazards for Cats and Dogs

Spring is officially upon us! With the warmer breezes and blooming buds of springtime come a few pet hazards to keep in mind—use these tips from a Dayton, TN veterinary professional to ensure your cat or dog’s safety this season and beyond:


You aren’t the only one who can suffer from springtime allergies. Cats and dogs, too, can experience reactions to pollen! Other allergens, like dust, dirt, dander, and mold, can also affect pets. If your animal friend seems to be sneezing, sniffling, or coughing more than usual as warmer weather arrives, it’s worth a call to the vet’s office. Medications and a few precautionary measures can help your pet to feel better.


With warmer weather comes an increased temptation for your pet to dart outdoors and go exploring, especially if you leave doors or windows open to let comfortable breezes inside. Make sure your pet is wearing a microchip, ID tags on the collar, or both in tandem so that they stay properly identified at all times.


Of course, outdoor pests like fleas, ticks, and worms start to become a problem again as the weather warms. Have your pet wear a quality heartworm preventative and a flea-and-tick control medication; these simple measures will ward off most of the pesky critters that pose a threat to your four-legged friend. If your pet needs pest-control medicines, call your vet’s office.

Pesticide Products

Do you spray pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizer on your lawn and garden? These substances can easily harm pets who come in contact with them, and they’re likely to cause serious episodes of poisoning! Keep pets indoors when spraying chemicals, and never let your pet chow down on recently treated grass or plants. Store pesticides and similar products safely where pets can’t reach them.

Plant Life

The products you spray on plants aren’t the only dangers to consider when it comes to outdoor vegetation. Various plants and flowers themselves—both indoor and outdoor varieties—can poison a pet! The list includes philodendron, rhododendron (also called azalea), ivy, oleander, elephant ear, dieffenbachia, tulips, lilies, daffodils, the sago palm, various types of aloe plants, and many more. Don’t let pets munch on any plants or flowers, and see the ASPCA’s website for a full list of toxic and non-toxic plants.

Does your pet need pest-control medications or identification measures? Schedule an appointment with your Dayton, TN veterinarian.

Bunny Care for Beginners

Have you recently adopted a bunny? If so, you definitely have chosen an adorable pet! Bunnies have a special way of melting people’s hearts with their cute faces and playful antics. Rabbits do have some very specific care needs, however, so it’s important for you to do some research and find out what Floppy needs to stay happy and healthy. Read on as a Sale Creek, TN vet lists some bunny care tips for beginners.

Proper Diet

Good nutrition is an important cornerstone of any good pet care routine. Grass hay, such as Timothy hay, should make up the bulk of your bunny’s diet. Floppy can have pellets for her breakfast and dinner. You’ll want to supplement these things with safe, suitable produce and, of course, the occasional treat. Ask your vet for nutritional recommendations.


Make sure to let Floppy out to play for at least a few hours a day. Spend some of this time playing with your pet and bonding with her!


Do some basic bunnyproofing by removing or securing toxic plants; chemicals; medications; plastic bags, wrappers, and ties; and small or sharp objects. You’ll want to cover furniture legs, wires and cords, and baseboards with protecting casings. Also, seal off openings behind and beneath furniture and cabinets. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Chew Toys

Bunnies need to chew to keep their teeth from overgrowing, so you’ll need to provide Floppy with lots of suitable playthings. Many wood, wicker, and cardboard items can make great chew toys! Ask your vet for more information.

Comfy Cage

Floppy will spend a lot of time in her cage, so make sure it’s nice and comfy. Your bunny should have room to stand up, stretch out, hop around, and play, all without touching the sides or top of her cage. Choose a cage with a solid bottom, as wire floors can be dangerous. You’ll need to add a hidey-hole, dishes, a water bottle, and substrate. Avoid pine and cedar substrates, which are toxic to small animals.

Veterinary Care

Floppy will need regular veterinary care to stay happy and healthy. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule. You’ll also want to do some research on potential signs of illness, so you know what to watch for.

Do you have questions about your bunny’s health or care? Contact us, your Sale Creek, TN vet clinic, today!