Tag Archives: pet identification

Getting Your New Pet a Microchip

Have you recently adopted a new animal companion? Having them properly identified is one of the most important steps for a lifetime of health and safety! Below, your Sale Creek, TN vet answers some of your most frequently asked questions regarding microchips.

What Are Microchips and How Do They Work?

If you’re new to pet ownership, you may have never heard of identification microchips. They’re tiny computer chips that contain a number, implanted electronically. This number corresponds with a database, where your pet’s contact information is stored. The chip is implanted under your pet’s skin, allowing veterinary professionals and shelter staff members to scan the chip when a lost pet is relinquished to their facilities.

Why Bother Getting My Pet a Microchip?

You may wonder what’s wrong with ID tags hanging from your pet’s collar. There’s nothing wrong with ID tags, but microchips do offer several distinct advantages. In fact, many pet owners use microchips and ID tags at the same time for maximum effectiveness!

Microchips can’t be removed by your pet, the way a collar with ID tags might be able to be chewed off or ripped away accidentally. This gives you peace of mind—even if your pet escapes without warning, you’ll know they’re properly identified.

Another benefit of the microchip is that it’s cost-effective. You only have to purchase one, and they’re inexpensive. Even if you move or get a new telephone number later in life, you don’t have to purchase another chip—simply contact the microchip manufacturer to update your information.

What’s the Procedure Like? Is There Any Risk?

The microchip itself is housed in a small glass capsule, and the whole unit is about the size of a large grain of rice. The capsule is then inserted under your pet’s skin using a specialized syringe-like device. It only takes a moment or two before the procedure is over, and all your pet will feel is a momentary pinch. It’s much like a regular vaccination!

The microchipping procedure is virtually risk-free. There is a chance of some minor swelling or irritation at the site of injection, but these symptoms usually dissipate entirely on their own.

How Do I Get My Pet Microchipped?

Would you like to know more about microchips and the benefits they offer pets? Ready to have your animal companion outfitted with one? Set up an appointment to see your Sale Creek, TN veterinarian.

Spring Safety Hazards for Cats and Dogs

Spring is officially upon us! With the warmer breezes and blooming buds of springtime come a few pet hazards to keep in mind—use these tips from a Dayton, TN veterinary professional to ensure your cat or dog’s safety this season and beyond:


You aren’t the only one who can suffer from springtime allergies. Cats and dogs, too, can experience reactions to pollen! Other allergens, like dust, dirt, dander, and mold, can also affect pets. If your animal friend seems to be sneezing, sniffling, or coughing more than usual as warmer weather arrives, it’s worth a call to the vet’s office. Medications and a few precautionary measures can help your pet to feel better.


With warmer weather comes an increased temptation for your pet to dart outdoors and go exploring, especially if you leave doors or windows open to let comfortable breezes inside. Make sure your pet is wearing a microchip, ID tags on the collar, or both in tandem so that they stay properly identified at all times.


Of course, outdoor pests like fleas, ticks, and worms start to become a problem again as the weather warms. Have your pet wear a quality heartworm preventative and a flea-and-tick control medication; these simple measures will ward off most of the pesky critters that pose a threat to your four-legged friend. If your pet needs pest-control medicines, call your vet’s office.

Pesticide Products

Do you spray pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizer on your lawn and garden? These substances can easily harm pets who come in contact with them, and they’re likely to cause serious episodes of poisoning! Keep pets indoors when spraying chemicals, and never let your pet chow down on recently treated grass or plants. Store pesticides and similar products safely where pets can’t reach them.

Plant Life

The products you spray on plants aren’t the only dangers to consider when it comes to outdoor vegetation. Various plants and flowers themselves—both indoor and outdoor varieties—can poison a pet! The list includes philodendron, rhododendron (also called azalea), ivy, oleander, elephant ear, dieffenbachia, tulips, lilies, daffodils, the sago palm, various types of aloe plants, and many more. Don’t let pets munch on any plants or flowers, and see the ASPCA’s website for a full list of toxic and non-toxic plants.

Does your pet need pest-control medications or identification measures? Schedule an appointment with your Dayton, TN veterinarian.