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Walking Your Cat: FAQs

July 01, 2024

Kitties are all unique individuals with distinct purrsonalities. Some of our feline friends prefer to spend their days relaxing in the sun and chasing catnip mice, while others are far more adventurous. As you may have noticed, we strongly recommend keeping cats indoors. Fluffy is much safer staying in, where she is sheltered from potential hazards such as traffic, bad weather, wild animals, and stray or dangerous dogs. Thankfully, there is a happy medium: walking your feline companion. This is a fantastic way to give her the best of both worlds! This post offers advice from an Dayton, TN veterinarian on how to walk your cat.

When Should You Start Walking Your Cat?

The earliest would be around the end of Fluffy’s socialization period, which lasts three weeks to three months. Her kitty worldview is still developing at this point. Introducing her to a variety of people and environments during this time can help her develop into a pleasant and receptive adult cat. However, an adult kitty can still be trained to go for walks.

Finally, put your pet’s safety first. Do not try walking Fluffy unless you have received proper consent from your veterinarian.

What Are The Advantages Of Taking Kitties On Walks?

Fluffy reaps the same benefits from walks as humans. She gets some exercise, which is good for her overall health. Our feline companions are energetic as kittens, but as they age, they become less active. (Eventually, Fluffy will be able to sleep 20 hours every day, but that’s another story.)

Going for a walk might also provide your cute pet some much-needed stimulation. Pets’ mental and emotional health are essential to their overall well-being. Like people, our feline pals need enrichment to thrive. Exploring new things could prove an exciting and enjoyable experience for your curious pet.

How Can I Teach My Feline Friend To Walk On A Leash?

It’s not likely that putting a leash on your pet and expecting her to walk nicely behind you will work out very well. Before taking Fluffy outside, make sure she is comfortable wearing a harness. When selecting a harness, avoid ones that have the leash attached to the neck. Something with a back clip is best.

Start with letting Fluffy wear the harness inside the house. You want her to develop a pleasant association with the harness. Help her along by giving her something she likes, such as treats or catnip, while she wears it.

Your cat may initially lie down and refuse to move. Do not worry. That stubborn ‘cat flop’ mode cannot last forever! Give her some time to acclimate.

Despite her initial discomfort, she will eventually adjust to the harness. Following that, you can begin attaching the leash. Let her drag it along behind her. She may initially try to play with it. Or she may try to run from it. Keep an eye on her so she doesn’t become entangled. Once your feline friend is comfortable with the leash, you can take her outside.

Safety comes first! Never leave your furball alone in her harness. Before going out with Fluffy, make sure she has had all necessary immunizations and is parasite-free. Fluffy should be microchipped and wear current ID tags. To be extra cautious, consider putting a GPS or air tag on her harness.

Although there are advantages to taking Fluffy for a walk, it’s important to note that not all cats enjoy it. Going on a stroll might be unpleasant for an anxious pet.

The First Walk

Start with a short walk. Go out onto the yard or sidewalk and let your feline companion explore her surroundings. She may initially feel anxious, but she will most likely become curious. Don’t make her stay outside if she starts crying or wants to go back indoors. 

Is It Safe For Fluffy To Go On Walks?

The majority of cats should be fine taking walks with their humans. However, there are exceptions. If Fluffy is a senior who has never been on a walk before, it is often best to leave her be. Furthermore, not all kitties can withstand much physical activity. Persians and other brachycephalic pets can easily lose their breath, especially in warmer weather. Cats with medical issues may struggle to exercise, and bald ones will be very uncomfortable in hot or cold conditions. Walking is also not advisable for extremely young kittens. Ask your Dayton, TN veterinarian for advice.

If Fluffy receives the all-clear from her veterinarian, you can proceed. However, there will still be certain safety problems to be aware of. You’ll need to take a few precautions to keep your pet safe.

First and foremost? When walking Fluffy outside, always use a leash and harness.

Watch out for automobiles, stray animals, and sidewalk dangers such as broken glass, antifreeze pools, or chemical spills. A short leash, rather than a retractable one, will keep your furry little friend near you and keep her from roaming too far.

Another thing to remember? Walking Fluffy is quite different from walking Fido. Allow Fluffy to explore as long as she stays secure and near to you. (Don’t bother to try to teach her to heel or sit on demand.)

Finally, be cautious when approaching trees. Fluffy might instinctively try to climb one if she feels scared. This would put her in danger of becoming entangled or stranded. You may also have difficulty getting her down again. This is clearly not a great situation!

Is There A Downside To Walking Your Cat?

There are some drawbacks. We’ve addressed the safety concerns already. Aside from that? The top downside is, well, meowpulation! Once you’ve taught Fluffy to wear a leash and go for walks, it will become a part of her daily kitty routine. If your feline companion enjoys going for walks, she may insist on taking them every day. If she doesn’t get to go out, she may become agitated and attempt to run out. In other words, you may find that you’ve created an adorable, meowing monster.

Can I Put My Cat In A Stroller?

Getting Fluffy a little stroller is something to consider. There are various advantages to this option. Your pet will be safe from all potential hazards. She won’t get as much exercise, though. You may also find yourself fielding some strange looks, but that’s just purr for the course. (Literally.)

How Else Can I Keep My Cat Happy?

Fluffy should have more options for entertainment besides just walking around. Our feline companions need both toys and enrichment to thrive! It’s important to keep that motor going.

Fluffy is going to appreciate having exciting areas to explore and climb throughout the house. Cat trees are excellent choices, but they are not the only ones. Other possibilities for entertaining your adorable pet include empty boxes, cat tunnels, and newspaper tunnels. Kitties also enjoy sitting in window seats, where they can sunbathe while observing local wildlife. Give your kitty a comfortable spot with a nice view.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Dayton, TN Veterinary Clinic

Do you have any questions about walking your cat? Please contact us at your local Dayton, TN pet hospital, at any time. We are always glad to assist you.

Posted in General Care

865 Rhea County Hwy
Dayton, TN 37321
(423) 775-5619
Also serving Sale Creek, TN and surrounding areas.

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